We are proud to offer our Artists a fast, easy way to create both Mark-Up Codes and Coupon Codes.

Within your account, click on "Promo Tools" and scroll down to "Coupon Code Generator".

Create and customize as many coupons or mark-ups as you'd like with the following fields:

  • Coupon/Mark-up Title
  • Coupon/Mark-up Code
  • Coupon Type
    *Dollar Amount or Percentage Amount
  • Minimum Spend Requirement
  • Total Uses Before Expiration
  • Number of Uses Per Customer
  • Date Range Coupon/Mark-up is Active

If you ever need any assistance creating a coupon or mark-up, we are here to help! Please feel free to reach out to us at anytime: Support@iWantClips.com

Thank you so much!