Updating Member Password & Information
Members can update their password and information by doing the following:
- Sign into your account by clicking “Sign in” at the top right of the homepage.
- Once you are logged in, hover your cursor over your username in the blue box. This is located at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Click on “My Account”. This will take you to the Personal Information page.
- Once on the Personal Information page, you are able to edit your account information including:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Country
- Password
- Click “Save” to confirm your changes.
*Note that changing your password on iWantClips will also change your password on iWantFanClub.
Creating a Secure Password
All Members are responsible for creating strong passwords and protecting their login information from unauthorized persons.
* Please understand that IWC is not responsible for hacked accounts, as the site provides resources and adequate means to protect your account.
** Note that iWantClips representatives will never ask an Artist or Member to directly share their password.
Password Guidelines:
For account security, we recommend Artists create a secure password of at least 10 characters, in a random sequence, that includes the following:
*Note that we have a site minimum of 8 characters for your password
- At least 1 lowercase letter
*Examples: abcde - At least 1 capital letter
*Examples: ABCDE - At least 1 number
*Examples: 12345 - At least 1 special character
*Examples: !@#$%^()
*Example passwords:
- bQhuek4u%2!3u$)
- sdfiuhG69h35^8#$
- O4Qmnnf5u&$(nd7%
*Note: The above passwords are examples only and, due to this, should not actually be used as your password.
In addition, we recommend Members create a password that avoids the following practices:
- Avoid the use of consecutive letters or numbers on the keyboard.
- Examples of consecutive characters to avoid:
- 123456
- qwerty
- asdfgh
- Examples of consecutive characters to avoid:
- Avoid the use of dictionary words that form dictionary sentences.
- Examples:
- Ilovepr3ttyducks
- Imsoc00l
- Prettyl1ttleli@r
- Examples:
- Avoid swapping characters with numbers.
- Examples:
- p@$$w0rd
- $3xy
- }{ack3r
- @maz1ng
- Examples:
- Avoid including public or personal information in your passwords.
- Example:
- Phrases or numbers that relate to your name, age, birthday, home/work address, zodiac sign, etc.
- Example:
Finally, we recommend Members follow these password guidelines to increase their account security:
- Do not share your password or account with anyone else.
*For example, do not use the same password for both your iWantClips account and your email account.
**Do not share your password with any Artist as part of a “TeamViewer” or account takeover session. This is prohibited on iWantClips and all associated platforms. - Use a unique password that is not used for any other account.
*For example, do not use the same password for both your IWC account and your email account. - Do not log into IWC on a computer you don’t control.
- Do not log into IWC on an unsecured Wi-Fi connection.
If you are concerned or have any questions regarding safety and security on iWantClips, please reach out to us at any time: Support@iWantClips.com
Thank you so much!