Within your Artist Dashboard, you are able to gain access to following information related to your account as well as the inner workings of your Store within the following tabs:

  • News
  • Account
  • Sell Items
  • Payouts
  • Transactions
  • Promo Tools
  • Referrals
  • Widgets
  • Tutorials
  • Customs
  • Social
  • Message Center
  • My Fans
  • Blocking

Profile Information

To modify your profile information, please follow these steps:

  • Click "Account"

  • Click "Profile Information"

Within Profile Information, you are able to update the following:

  • About Me

  • Profile Photo

  • Featured Photo

    *Please note that both a Profile Photo and a Featured Photo are required for Artists accounts to become active on the site.

Payout Information

To modify your Payout Information, please follow these steps:

  • Click "Account"

  • Click "Payout Information"

Within Payout Information, you are able to update the following:

  • Account Type (Individual or Business)

  • Billing Country

  • Payment Method

  • Pay Period (Request Pay, Bi-Monthly or Monthly)

*Please note that when you modify your Payout Information, your information will not appear in the input fields. This is a security measure in place to protect your sensitive information.


More information about our Payout Policies is available on our Payout Policy Page.

Sell Items

Within the "Sell Items" tab of your Account, you are able to control the uploading and management of your content.

You may sell Content Items including:

  • Videos
  • Photos
  • Audios
  • Documents and PDFs

Uploading Content

Artists have two ways to upload content:

  • Browse
    * This allows you to upload content right from your computer.

  • FTP
    * This allows you to upload more than one file at the same time to the server.
    • Regarding FTP, please note:
      • All files in an Artist's FTP account are removed after 90 days. This is to ensure there is ample space on FTP servers.
      • The FTP system is not designed to be a storage hub for files. 
      • We recommend using the free version of FileZilla for FTP uploading.

Content Options

After uploading your content, you will be able to prepare your content to be sold with:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Price
  • Categories (You may choose up to 2 categories per listing)
  • Keywords (You may choose up to 10 keywords, that behave as hashtags, per listing) 
  • Publish Scheduling (You may publish your content now or set the content to publish at a later date/time of your choosing)
  • Social Media (You may generate a Tweet when your content publishes)
  • Preview Generator (You may upload your own preview or create one with our Preview Maker)


Within the "Transactions" tab, you can view all of the transaction details for your store including:

  • Date and Time of Purchase
  • Transaction ID Number
  • Title of Content that Sold
  • Type of Content that Sold (Photo, Video, Tip/Tribute, etc)
  • Customer Username who made the Purchase
  • Price of Transaction
  • Whether or not the Transaction was Processed

You may also search within your "Transactions" by:

  • Content Type
  • Customer
  • Date Range

Within "Transactions", you may also:

  • Download a Detailed Transaction history of a Date Range you specify
  • Generate a Daily Sales E-mail of a Date you specify

Promo Tools

Within Promo Tools, you can control all of your promotional services.

Preferred Promotional Images
This allows you to upload a Dropbox link to your promotional images. It makes it easier for our team to locate your preferred images when you are promoted by us, such as with the Artist Spotlight.

Chat Image Generator
This allows you to generate an Image that displays your per minute rate for a cam session. 

Banner Generator
This allows you to create a promotional banner that you may use for your marketing purposes.

Link Generator 
This allows you to generate an HTML code for use on any of your websites. 

Coupon Code Generator
This allows you to create coupon codes for either discounts or markups on your content. You have the option of choosing to either provide a dollar amount as the discount/markup or a set percentage.

Custom Donation Buttons
This allows you to create Tip/Tribute buttons that you may use for your marketing purposes.


Within Referrals, you are able to:

  • Obtain your unique Referral Link
    * We recommend using this link on places like your website, social media accounts, etc.

  • Send an E-mail to one or more people with your Referral Link

  • See the following information about your Referrals
    • Their E-mail
    • Their Start Date
    • Whether your referral is still pending or completed


Within the "Widgets" tab, you have the ability to produce multiple Widgets to place on your promotional website(s).

Tip Widget
This allows you to produce a customizable Tip Widget that can then be placed on your promotional website(s). You may define up to 6 different dollar amounts. It includes a Custom Amount field. The minimum amount cannot be less than $5. 


Content Widget
This allows you to produce a Content Widget that can then be placed on your promotional website(s). The Content Widget will display all of the available content for purchase inside of your store.

Phone Widget
This allows you to produce a Phone Widget that can then be placed on your promotional website(s). The Phone Widget will automatically switch to online mode when you are available for Phone and toggle to offline or busy when you change your availability on Phone.

Custom Clips Widget

There is a Custom Clips order form widget that can be placed on your promotional website(s). It is located under the "Customs" tab of the Artist dashboard.

Social Media

Within the "Social" tab, you are able to link your Twitter account with your iWantClips store. This enables you to more easily market your iWantClips Store on Twitter.

You can customize each auto-tweet, set the frequency at which your promotional tweets are posted and add attachments.

Promotional tweets include:

  • iWantClips Promotional Tweet that links to your iWantClips Store
  • Sale's Tweets that post each time Content on your Store sells
  • Bulk Orders that post each time 5+ Content Items Sell on your Store
  • iWantCustomClips Promotional Tweet that links to your iWantCustomClips page
  • iWantCustomClips Sale's Tweet that posts each time a Custom Clip is Sold

Message Center

The "Message Center" provides both you and your customers with a place to connect with each other. 

You are able to:

  • Send messages to a single customer
  • Send a mass message to multiple (or all) customers
  • Turn On/Off E-mail Alerts
  • Access your Contact List
  • Send Pay-to-View Messages